Monday, November 2, 2015

Forever and Always

First off, I want to apologize for my neglect of blogging lately.

Work, school, traveling and just life in general has been hectic. But! A plus is I have a plethora of pictures to share!

Yet despite all the craziness of life, the Lord has been speaking super loudly to me; He's been reminding me of the certainty and faithfulness of His love.

Now, I know that sounds super cliché and "white-girl Christian," like it should be a @socality caption or something. But the truth is when we get just a taste of the Lord's faithfulness, it's radical. It transforms us in ways unspeakable and breaks down every lie we've ever spoke over ourselves.

I'm going to be completely honest with you. I've been listening to those lies lately. You know, the "you're not good enough, no one's going to love you for your heart," type of lies. The ones that attack our heart identity and sense of belonging.

It hasn't come out of no where either. I've made some big mistakes, and I'm about to dive into full-time ministry into one of the darkest battlefields in the world (Amsterdam Red Light District).

For those reasons, it makes sense I'm being attacked more ferociously than I have been since I lived in Thailand three years ago. Something good is on the horizon, and someone is not happy about it.

Yet although the voices of those lies have been loud there is one Voice that remains louder still. 

It's a Voice that speaks love and truth over me.
A Voice that is always gentle, always kind and encourages me to keep moving onward and upward. 

A Voice that says, "I'm here Hanna, I'm Love (1 John 4:8) and I'm Good and Faithful (Psalm 100:5). I have a truth to counteract every lie that has been spoken over you and you've spoken over yourself. Through Me you are strong to fight those lies (Ephesians 6:10), I am always here, and my banner over you is love (Song of Solomon 2:4).

Forever and Always."

 Guys, you want to know what truly inspires me more than anything else? 

The Lord's Voice and His never-ending faithfulness.

The fact He uses His Voice to willingly to speak to us on a more personal level than we could ever imagine.

To be given promises from a Good Father who knows how to give genuinely good gifts to His children.  

That inspires me more than anything else imaginable. 

So Daddy, today I praise You and thank You for Your promise to adore me, guide me and Speak Life to me Forever and Always.

Your Voice and faithfulness inspire me.

"Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations."

~Psalm 100:4-5

Love, Hanna

The three last pictures are of my Mom, Dad and brother Andrew that I took during my visit back home to WA in September. All three of them inspire me immensely. 

The sunrise photos were taken at Sandbridge Beach in August and soon I will post photos from my recent trip to Boston and the Shenandoah River Valley. 

Also, I apologize for the formatting issues on mobile devices. The paragraphs go funny and I'm not sure why. If anyone knows how to fix that issue please let me know :) 

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