Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Intimacy of Infinity

It's funny, I find that it's usually in the smallest spaces the Lord blows my mind with His massiveness.

Here I am, just curled up in my little papasan chair in my studio dorm room with some coffee and Jesus just comes and interrupts everything.

{I don't think I serve the most polite God, but definitely the most patient.}

Jesus decided to remind me of his infinity.

The little term BIGGER has been ringing through my ears a lot lately.

"Dream BIGGER"
"Allow Me to show you that I AM BIGGER."

God told me He wants out of every restricting box I've placed Him.

It's so easy to get comfortable in our Christianity. Whether that's lounging in the armchair of liturgy, refusing to experience God intellectually and not just emotionally, or simply shutting Him up because the idea of a totally infinite God makes us control-freaks stress out.

Holy Spirit interrupted me one morning last November, too.

I woke up from having a dream about doing ministry abroad after school. Then within fifteen minutes of being out of bed, I received a random text and read a blog post all pointing towards doing international ministry, so I fell on my face surrendering all my fears and doubts of God not being able to make things happen.

He then said something that I will never forget.

"I never said I'm a comfortable God, but I AM Provider God."

He is so much bigger than our doubts, our problems, our worries, our sickness, even our own thoughts and emotions. Out of His massiveness comes great abundance and provision.

I know this seems like such an elementary truth. But do yourself a favor and ask Holy Spirit to reveal Himself to you so you can realize big He actually is.

Whatever you feel, He feels more. Whatever you think, He's thought of more. Whatever joy you've felt, sorrows you've experienced...He's experienced more.

{"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin." -Heb. 4:15 (ESV) }

How? Because He's infinite. And out of His infinity He's still incredibly intimate.

His infinity allows him to love more than we could ever imagine.

Child, think on this: His love and adoration for you is infinite, His delight for you is infinite, His compassion, mercy, grace and faithfulness towards you is infinite and has no bounds.

Dwell on that truth.

{"I have loved you with an everlasting love..." Jer. 31:3 (ESV) }

Everlasting def. : lasting or enduring through all time; eternal

Rejoice, child, for you are loved eternally. 

And you have a Father who has chosen to be infinitely intimate.

A picture I took at the summit of Church Mountain in Washington State, one of my favorite hikes :)

Lord Jesus, your infinity and intimacy inspires me. Thank you.


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